What are some good, beautiful fish for a

Oh ok. I didn't realize they just mix it themselves.

I am going to check them out right now.

Here is what I was thinking. If I had two new plastic garbage cans I could use the tap water and let it age. Then I could add the salt and anything else it needed. Would the chlorine and copper still be in the tap water after so long, or do I just need to suck it up and pay for distilled?
If you do get a lawnmower blenny make sure you see it eat before you take it home. They are very hard to get them to eat after the algea runs out. Many of them starve to death because they wont eat prepared foods.
Also be ready to feed it seaweed sheets or nori.I've seen em starve to death even when they'd readily take frozen foods.
Dont use tap water.
You have a 35 gallon right?
I have a 30 gallon and I do a 5 gallon change a week. I buy my RO from the LFS for 50 cents a gallon. Just dont have the room for an RO unit in the condo Im in and the LFS is only 5 minutes away.

As for fish, I like fire fish they are very nice looking. If you can find the purple ones, they are different than your standard fire fish

Have you looked at Pygmy Angels? Also known as Cherub Angels. I just recently added one to my tank and he's AWESOME! and really neat. I sit in my recliner that's near my tank and watch him dart in and out of the rocks.

Like Melosu stated "make sure they're eating at the LFS". You need to make sure ALL the fish you get are eating. Also, you'll need to add them 1 at a time, over several weeks. By doing it this way you let your tank slowly get used to the biological load and you won't get any spikes or nuisance algae blooms, ideally.
No it's not cycled yet, and I don't plan on adding fish for a while. I have about a month that I can't spend any money, due to a Phish festival in Indio CA.

After that is when I really plan on doing some stuff. Plus by then the water should be good to add fish.