Weirdest Thing You've Found

Hey corroding plastic is not really a whole lot better than corroding metal. So I would consider both not so good.

dom what are you doing with spoons by the tank?
my cat

but really I havnt found anything special...just a crap load of cat hair.
yea ive looked everywhere to try to id it, sites, brought the camera to the lfs, friend's houses...but needless to say it is living in the septic tank, probably 4 feet long by now. haha
I helped a buddy break down his 55 when he moved, and when we took everything out and were stirring the sand to remove detritus, we found two bristleworms about that big, too.
That is a peanut worm. I rearanged my rocks the other day and found one just like that. I put it in a plastic box but i think it is dead now. I wanted to put it in my new refugium. I think it died form the tempurature.

Anyways, I have found airsoft bbs, bottle caps,vegi-clips,plexiglass,tubing,legos(they fit perfecly on my skimmer). In my 125 gallon, its been over a year and it isn't even close to being finished yet. :rollseyes: I never even thought it would be soo expensive. I am mainly waiting for my dad to put concrete under the house.It is over the crosspace.
Good looking Hibye your right! the only difference i see is that it didnt have any tentacles. but it looked identical to the first picture from Alex's link...
I was going to post mine up becuase I thought that it was crazy that i found a peanut worm outside of the rock, but I guess it is pretty comon.