Water everywhere!


Reef enthusiast
I don't know how you guys do it, especially those with carpets. Lucky I don't have carpets at where my tanks are, but still...

Everytime I make changes on the piping or adding equipment or just any changes, I got water everywhere. Sure make me feel like a newbie. :shock:
It should make you feel like a seasoned pro! As Yote famously said, "If ya ain't floodin', ya ain't reefin'." Or something like that.

I have a whole bunch of cheap "junk" towels. Whenever I do anything, I put the towels down all around the tank.
Biff said it:D
My tanks in the bedroom,on a floor covered in carpet.
So lets just say,that waterchange days are the days EVERY towel in the house gets washed:mrgreen:
I always forget that I have the RODI unit on. Then my trash can overflows in the middle of the night, and I wake up to 40 gallons of water on the floor. That's the worst!
My float valve got stuck one night (it is hooked up directly to the RO unit and water line) and flooded the entire main part of the house. That was a bad one.
man i flooded my basement one time filling up my RO trash can. I left the house with my girl to go to the movies and my mom calls me like crying and i start to freak out cuz i cant understand her. it was hilarious cuz she got soaked and man did i have a mess to clean up.......LOL
My best one,was after doing a complete maintance on my 75 gallon one Saturday morning.
Finished cleaning the pumps and powerheads,and skimmer,got water back in the tank,plugged everything up,got a cup of coffee and sat down to watch the outdoor channel.After the show went off,I got up to go see how everything was doing and stepped into saltwater soaked carpet.I'd forgot to put the cup back on the super skimmer and it pumped about 15 gallons of water out.
The wife was not a happy camper that morning.
Man! There are always new way to cause flooding!! My fuge's overflow was blocked. Half the living room floor is wet. Down stair is dripping water from the ceiling...
Damn! That sucks! Yeah, every time I think I've heard it all, someone comes up with another way their house got flooded. Hope you get it all dried out.
i also get water everywhere... just drops, but they get everywhere

the only reason i dont have a sump yet is because im afraid of the power going out or something and flooding my house..
my personal worst flood was cause of my freakn stupid red sea prism skimmer peice o s#!t. it was hangn on the back of the dt(before i had the sump) and it decided to go bat stuff crazy, well it pumped like 5 gal out on the floor... the skum cup was totally bone dry....

fortunately i live in a house with tile floor on concrete slab., so i just busted out with the shop vac, and was done cleaning up in like 10 min.