Water Changes


Super new to the whole salt water aquarium. A few of my friends have salt water tanks but i'm still wondering when the best time is to do a water change..? Also what percentage of water should be changed. The tank is a 29 gallon Bio Cube. I'm not exactly sure how many pounds of live rock I have in it. If I had to guess would say a little more than 10lbs. I have 2 clown fish, a goby, 2 sea urchins, some crabs, star fish, and some snails. I'm sure this question sounds rediculous but I thought I would throw it out there.:mrgreen: Thanks
You should do a 10-20% water change every 1-2 weeks. After you get to know your tank you'll learn how much and how often to do it to keep your tank happy.
first I would add some more liverock to the tank.. another 20 to 25 pounds..
water changes usually do 15% every other week.. you can adjust that accordingly I started off higher then that but found that percentage worked well for my tank.. but around 10 percent per week or 20 every other usually works well for most..
Perfect. Thanks!. I read that for topping up the tank you should just use tap water. Should I dilute it before I put it in the tank?
forgot, sorry, keep an eye on your levels in between like I had today, changed my water last weds all levels were great checked today had a little ammonia in the tank, once and awhile a snail or something may die off and give you a little spike so a water change may need to be done in between..
if your using RO/DI water always just top off using that.. not salt, evaporation is water not the salt in the tank..
When you top off the tank to replace evaporated water, just add fresh water with no salt, because the salt does not evaporate. You shouldn't ever use tap water, you should use RO/DI filtered water for all water changes and top offs
You can either buy an RO/DI unit or get RO/DI water from your LFS or a filtered water supplier. I was going to haul water back from the store but after several times, I just broke down and bought one. Some are pretty affordable
Yeah might not be a bad investment The person I bought my aquarium off of was saying that they would just use tap water and then add water conditioner to it.
I just bought a 100 gpd 6stage ro/di from pure water club for 115.00 shiped to my door. Hooked it up last weekend and its running great
I'm sure this is another dumb question. If I was to make 5 gallons of salt Water but only need a gallon. Are you able to save the remainder of the salt water for your next water change? Or if I was to buy r/o water. Can that be saved?
A couple people on here use tap and its ok. I am one of them, but I also happen to be very lucky that I have really decent tap water.
I also know that you can buy filtered water, like the kind that gets delivered to your door from arrowhead if you can not afford the price of water at your local LFS. It isnt perfect but if you cant afford what the LFS has or a RO/DI unit and you dont want to use tap, this is a good alternative.
Yeah. Just goin to use tap for this first water change. After that hopefully find a used R/O unit. Seems like most of the residential units dont have the deionizer. How much do you guys pay for R/O water from the store?
i pay 50 cents a gallon at the local LFS, but hauling the water is a pain and i have had bucket partially empty itself on me in the car. That was not fun.