VHO or T5

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Team Liquid Force
Right when I thought I had my mind set on the T5's, my LFS said that they would go with VHO's. I figured I would get your guys opinion on this before I purchase, I trust you guys a lot more.

Thanks again.
I can't honestly tell you which is better.Everything that I read says T5-HO and T5-VHO is better than T12 VHO's.I don't know the specifics,maybe lumens or intensity.I believe VHO(T12) is waining in popularity,look at all the T5 manufacturers and look at the VHO.Who is making VHO's these days,Hamilton,Icecap?I haven't seen any complete fixtures in a long time,just retros.PC's are inexpensive(sort of),T5 are better and MH is the bad boy of lighting,VHO is the odd man out.Go T5...
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