Very sad day.


Reefing newb
Well I can't find my Snowflake Clown. :( There was no indication anything was wrong with him. I saw him last night a lights out now this morning, I can't find him. He did not come out at feeding time either. This is VERY depressing. He wasn't my first fish, but he was for sure my favorite. I can't imagine what happened. I'm about to test the water, but I don't know what could be wrong. I have fish that are far less hardy than Clown and would have shown signs if the parameters were way off. I'll post up my findings, but I'm not expecting anything out of the ordinary.

With my Yellow Polyps being eaten, is it possible I have a predator in my tank? A nocturnal hitchhiker maybe?
SG 1.025
Temp 79.6*F
pH 8.1
Nitrite 0.0
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrate 0.0
Ca 400
Phosphates show 0.0 (shocking!)

Checked for voltage leak. None detected.

Knowing the water is okay is NOT helping me feel better.
well all I can say is sorry for your loss and someone in your CUC just had them aelfs a nice $50+ fish dinner if its no wheres to be seen.
When I lost my Royal Gramma it didn't show up for a few days. Maybe this one will too. He was a great fish. Not sure what I paid for him. Around $75 I think. Money isn't the issue. I would like to know what went wrong so I can prevent it from happening again.
Where did you buy your fish? Some fish are cyanide caught, which means they won't survive long.

Do you feed your fish a wide verity of foods and add garlic guard/or vitamins to their food?

Sorry for your loss...i lost a few fish with my first tank...the used tank i bought came with an over hang skimmer that created air bubbles, I did not know at the time that air bubbles were really really bad for fish...i fixed that mistake with a custom tank -.^
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Got the fish at the LFS and was told it was tank bred. I feed them Sally's multi which is a frozen cube. The multi pack is a varity of foods different in each cube. I had him since November.
it sounds like your fishes were living the life of luxury

The only thing I know to be a common bad hitcher is a fireworm. I know they will eat corals, but there is a rumor that they will eat small fish (i don't know if there is an actual truth to that). Considering the size it will have to be in order to eat a clown fish I am sure you would have noticed it...i am sorry that i can't be much help...hopefully this mistory will be solved soon

my LFS once had a blue ring octupus (i highly doubt you will have one of those in your tank)
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Did you check the overflow, sump and filter sock? I know you said you looked everywhere, just checking... Sorry for your troubles...
Its highly unlikely you have fireworm in your tank, and usually the sign of a predator is bodies that disappear without a trace.

Sometimes fish die and we dont know why, it sounds like you did everything you could. But also dont give up hope, fish have been known to disappear for a few days and then make a reappearance.
Its highly unlikely you have fireworm in your tank, and usually the sign of a predator is bodies that disappear without a trace.

Sometimes fish die and we dont know why, it sounds like you did everything you could. But also dont give up hope, fish have been known to disappear for a few days and then make a reappearance.

indeed they can return I'd like to also add to this not to move your rock as you may accidentally crush the wee guy well just keep your eyes out you never know:Cheers:
Sorry for your loss. I'm in the same boat has you. My pair b&w clowns both die Monday no reason. It seems strange that's like 6 clowns that I've seen die this month.
Sorry you've lost your snowflake. It's horrid when it's the favourite.
I wonder if y our damsel is causing problems when you are not watching. They have wickd reps.
WOW! I found my Snowflake!!!! Alive and kicking at that!!!! I am so happy!!! :)

Seems he jumped into the built in overflow box on the back of the tank. With my set up, it is VERY hard to get any view into it at all. I had looked from underneath previously, but saw nothing. Today while emptying the skimmer cup a shadow caught my eye. After removing the lights and the canopy (very involved job and HEAVY) I peaked in and there he was! Netted him and he is back home.

It was the overflow area. Tank was pre drilled and has the black surround to hide the pipes. That area. I'm sure it has a proper name but I don't know it. He is about 2 1/2 inches.

Still looking for someone to take the maroon. I just hate to take him back. He's such a nice looking fish.
You could start a 10g tank like so many of the rest of us (and house him there temporarily until he can be given a new larger tank :) )