Venturing back...


Sausage Wrangler
Englewood, CO
So I picked up a bunch of corals at my LFS today...
I just finished acclimating and put them in the tank.
I'll put up some pictures once everything is open. I'm so excited! Hopefully with the new light and the phosphate problem solved everything should do well.
I got some green cloves, a few different little zoa frags, a little frogspawn (yes, an actual frogspawn, haha), some green polyps and a candy cane with two mushrooms on it. Hooray!
Hooray for (sort of blurry) pictures!

With just the blues and the LED moonlights
Two little zoas


More zoas (right?)

Green polyps (juuuuust starting to come out at lights out)

Zoas my four year old picked (because they were pink)

Candy Cane with shrooms (there's a blue-y purple one on the other side you can kind of see)

And the cloves (with all the lights on... I moved it right after this and it got angry at me)

Thank you! I am super excited (in case you couldn't tell... I've only said that like twelve times today).

They had different colors (candy canes) but I liked this one the best. I paid $50 for it. I didn't really know if that was a good price or not, I just really liked 'em.
So two days later and my cloves aren't doing well. They look pretty bad. Everything else still looks awesome. I have them on the sand away from most of the flow (they're not attatched to anything but some spongey stuff. Pretty much just looking at it blows it over). Should I move them higher up off the sand? I read that they like moderate light & current... So I thought the bottom would be better for them (unless that qualifies as low light).
And another question... the candy cane that has the mushrooms on it...
It seems that the mushrooms are irritating the coral a little bit (they're pulling back where the mushrooms are). The shrooms have expanded quite a bit since I put them in the tank (they're pretty close to the bottom of the tank). Should I/how do I go about taking the mushrooms off? Will they anchor on to something else? Or should I just suck it up?
It's really two of the seven heads the mushrooms are bothering.
Or try gluing them to a rock?

It won't hurt the underside of it? I moved it back to where it was before (which is still right on the sand).
Almost all of the polyps kind of sticking out of their little sheaths (or whatever they're called), but just kind of droopy and not extending...


