Using a UV Sterilizer?


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
Ok I have one for my tank.

I went to this LPS names Coral Corral and first let me say WOW this place is sweet.

They have a HUGE tank with like $10,000 in coral and Huge MH and LED bulbs. I asked about the LEDs and they said they were not directional like the first LEDs light bulb.

All of their tanks are crystal clear and they have these skimmers that are like 5 feet tall all hooked up. Just a phenominal place. They even had these things i think he said they were Bio Reactors hooked up. They had tons of corals growing all different sizes and types.

I have been to many stores and this place was by far the nicest.

Anyway I was talking to one of the guys there and mentioned I had a UV Sterilizer.

He said maybe with only fish but with corals it wasn't the best idea to use it because while it kills bad it will also kill the good bacteria.

Now I can't just go by one persons thoughts but I would have to imagine he must know something because he knew just about everything I asked.

Anyone else agree with him or can it be true but no so bad.
I don't believe that myself. I have a large UV light on my Zero and still had tons and tons of critters. I'm sure some got zapped, but like I said I had plenty. It might depend on the size of your tank too. I think most of the benifiting bacteria stays in and around your sand bed and rock more so than in the water column.
Yeah but doesn't the water just get sucked in with whatever bacteria are in it?

I was going to put my quietpump at the bottom of the tank against the back glass. Should I mount it high up for the UV sterilizer?

I mean I never thought about the height to mount the UV Sterilizer pump.
I would agree with david. The vast majority of bacteria is not in the water column. The vast majority of critters live in and on the rock so you really arent harming them at all with the UV. Any thing that does go through will die but the dead carcass will float around the tank and get picked up by a coral just like a live pod.

I personally dont run one, but if you have one, it wont hurt anything.
Ok I was just thinking he meant the coral will suffer because the UV is removing good bacteria along with the bad.

I mean he was only talking bacteria not critters.

I do have a cap like thing so nothing should easily get in.
Some people who are concerned about what it's killing will run the UV periodically rather than 24/7. So that's another option.
What is the sole purpose for using one??
Or i guess i should say,what is your purpose for using one.....and what do you plan to accomplish by running one?
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some people use it to clear water but i dont use it becuase i think it more waste of money so im working on my sump right now i dont even have the tank yet ._.
The main purpose of the UV is to kill diseases and the free floating stages of parasites.
They wont make any difference in the bacteria since it stays attached to the sand,rock,and glass.
As for harming corals,it wont.
Not completely is true, but for me it has work for containing outbreaks and keeping them to a very minimal occurrence. I can honestly say ick has not been a problem nor have I lost a single fish to ick since I began using a UV Light.