Use of Supplements ???


Other than don't try and fix what's not broke!

Any thoughts or experience on the routine use of various supplements for a well stocked Reef Tank (Fish/Coral), such as, Kent Coral-Vite, Kent Marine Essential Elements, Kent Strontium & Molybdenum, etc.. ?

I basically get the urge every few mths and give the guys a little dose of supplements, but never on a continual basis.
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as long as you do regular water changes you will not need to add anything unless it is cal mag or alk. but you need to test for those to see if they are low anyway. if you dont test for it dont add it. is is so easy to overdose a tank. yes some things are being used more than others but if you are adding all of them with trace elements what is not being used is just building up to possibaly lethal levels. thats why i say just water changes will replenish what the tank needs. most of the additives are just a waste of money IMO
+1 James
The only additives you MIGHT need to dose are cal,alk,and mag.
Anything else is just a waste of money that could be spent on corals.
There's nothing wrong with trying. Everyone's tank is different. Might do good for you, might do nothing. Just take your time when starting and add slow. The only thing I dose to my tank calcium and that has become very rare anymore. Then again I don't really keep SPS and only a few LPS so not much calcium is being used.
Thanks for the info. I had a longer reply, but my reply was lost on 2 previous attempts. It said I had to login, but I was already logged in, and both replys were lost. I'm new to the Living Reefs Forum, I've typically used the Reef Central Forum in the past. I'll get it.
Hm, now it works.

In any event, I agree w/ the response to my post. In my opinion, Ca and Alk are like salt, their both mandatory and must be added and monitored, which I do via a Ca Reactor and PinPoint Ph Controller w/ CO2. All of my paramters are good and steady, no problems there.

Briefly, the basis for my post had to do w/ supplements for coral. I routinely use VitaChem directly in my fish food as a dietary supplemnt. So I was looking for a general purpose supplement that could be routinely added to the water that would be good for my coral, as well as my fish.

All and any comments welcome!
the only thing i add is zooplex for filter feeders. as long as the food suplement is not harming the water quality i would say use it.