Urchin - when to add?


Frank the tank!
while we wait for our tank to cycle, we are making our long term plans for livestock. I am really intrigued by urchins and would love to have one. At what point in the timeline would you add one? I am guessing after you have a good cleanup crew established, but would you add it before or after fish? I did some searching but couldn't find info on this.

My sister has the pincushion one and she loves it. The only down fall she says is you have to make sure your rocks are stable. Also she says it doesn't bother her corals at all. She added hers when she got her first fish. She's had it for awhile and hasn't grown much if any.
Urchins will also clean all your rocks of coralline. If you're okay with that, then they are really cool animals to keep.

Biffs right.Urchins will not only clean your rock of the bad algae,they'll clean em of coralline too.They are cool critters though.
be carefull ..their sting hurts a lot..cool creatures ..but they are bulldozers..they tend to knoch everyting to the ground..
do they do allright having just one? I think it would be easier to keep an eye on that way, and if it starts to get out of control we can move it to the fuge or our QT.