Update on the new 55


Reefing newb
Everything seems to be going swimmingly well - all the #'s are great, the clown and tang are getting along, even the coral banded shrimp and the cleaner shrimp are fine... found and removed two snails that eat the zoanthus... it's doing good... the whole thing has become a non-stress point EXCEPT...

ALGAE!! Holy mother of god - now even the foam islands floating on the water are greenish.... speaking of -why do I now have foam islands when I didn't before? The glass gets covered with a lime-green algae daily - the rocks and substrate seem to be less affected (the blue crabs are in heaven, as are the astrus snails). I'm running lights 8 hours day (both blue and the HO, coming on and off together, per the LFS directions). Tank started on 6/30/07.

I don't want to use chemicals to remove or control - I'm wondering if I should add some mechanical filtration, as whenever I scrape the stuff off the glass - it just suspends and lands wherever. Any thoughts on those Tetra filters that hang INSIDE the tank? I use them on my freshwater and REALLY like them; they have media for bactera and disposable filter packs with charcoal.

Help and advice much appreciated!!
What are your tank paramiters? Do you have a skimmer or any other filteration? What kind of water are you using? Have you added any additives to the tank other than water? What are you feeding and how often?
All the numbers are good (or great). Sorry - at work and don't have 'em. Lowest Nitrate readings you can get, Alk is improving (in the good zone). Remora Aqua-C, 2 other power heads, 45 lbs of live rock, 60 lbs substrate, RO/DI water. SG 1.024 Ph 8.4. Feeding Prime Reef and Mysis.
Have you tested phosphates?
You might also want to check the cartridges in your RO filter.
You've got to find the nutrients thats fueling the algae.
Try leaving the lights off for 3 or 4 days,and step up your water changes.

Another thing,How often are you feeding?
Haven't tested for phosphates, but understand they do run high in San Francisco.

RO filter is brand new - what would I look for?

Feeding 2-3 times per day, enuf to keep the fish busy for about 2 minutes; they don't seem to leave any behind. Am usually rinsing the frozen food through a net rather than dumping the water et all into the tank.

Will keep the lights off - added the Tetra in-tank filter a few minutes ago. I know this thing will likely act as a Nitrate trap so I need to be careful...
Cut back on your feediings.To no more than once a day.
I only feed my fish once every 3 days.It want hurt them,it'll cut down on waste,and take out part of the nutrents that feed algae.
i had the same problem when i started getting crappy ro water from a lfs. i started doing massive weekly water changes with good water and cut back on lighting and it eventually went away. don't expect anything good to happen overnite. i'm sure you have heard the saying that only bad things happen fast in this hobby. well, it's true. i have experienced it first hand several times.
Well, there's more than enuf green stuff for the tang to graze on - and the maroon clown has grown significantly, so I'll follow through on everybody's advice - cut back to once a day on the feeding, and turn off the lights until things settle down. Hopefully the new filter will also clear things up.

Are there inverts/corals/etc I should be thinking about adding that eat these nutrients that feed the algae?
Emerald crabs,hermits,turbo snails and sea hares will all eat it.
Xenia will help take some of the nutrints out of the water.Clams like some nitrates,so that might be some thing to think about.

When you do a water change,siphon out as much algae as you can.And just give it time.
I think I'm borderline for clams, although a hitchiker has set up housekeeping in the tank and seems to be thriving; the Nova T-5 throws 216 watts, although there is a big south-facing bay window that's letting in alot of UV... a clam may work.
IMO,a Derasa clam will be okay.They don't need as intense lighting like the other giant clams.I would avoid direct sunlight in a reef tank.Heat and algae being the downsize.After the light pass thru two glass the clam won't get any benefits anyways.
I'd be worried about the window to.Not only will it fuel algae like Reef and Hawks said,it'll add more heat to your system.
It's not direct sunlight - as the tank is about 8' from the windows, but there is DEFINITELY some add'l UV rays that are adding to the problem. I'm going to head down to the local home improvement store (NOT Home Depot -hate the chains) and buy some UV film for the windows. The sitch 3 days later is much MUCH better - cut way back on feeding and lighting, and the new Tetra powerfilter has helped immensely - how long should I leave the charcoal insert inside the filter? I know they tend to strip beneficial elements from the water... not so worried about heat buildup, as this IS San Francisco, where it's normally around 70 F during the warmest part of the day.