Update on tank


Soon to be Reef Expert
Here are some more recent pics of the tank.




check out all that brown algae!

i do have a couple of questions though. I just added a small clean up crew (6 hermits, 2 nassarius snails and 3 Mexican Turbos) do you think 3 M. Turbos is too much?
another thing, the LFS sold me the hermits as blue-legged hermits, but they are all brown. what kind of hermits are these? are they reef safe do you think?
Water is good. I also got sold some brown that were called blue leg and some red leg but they have been fine for my. I dont know if threes too much but if it is one or two will die and become food for the hermits so its nothing to worrie too much about. Good luck with them.
I think that diatoms instead of algae.But its OK,as diatoms are also a normal part of a new tank.It will go away on its own.
Most hermits are reef safe.Except the big red hairy ones.As long as yours aint red and hairy,you'll be fine.
Looks like your getting a pretty good start.Just add some more live rock.
Looks great though.
Well,since you brought that up Biff.lol
Hairy I dont know about,,,everybody's different,But I dont care who ya are,,,RED AINT GOOD.
Biff,you need to get your head out the gutter.

David,great job....I don't think diatoms will sustain Turbos,they typically eat macro algae like hair.You can supplement them with seaweed sheets if you like.Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the male blue legged are blue and the females are not as colorful,more brown.