Unknown Fish


Reefing newb
Can anyone help I.D. this little guy?It came from my father in law who recently took his tank down for a rebuild. Said he thought it was a damsel when he got it from LFS, but the closest I can find is a Coral Beauty? Any suggestions? He is about 4 inches long and dark purple. Sorry for pic quality. I can get a better one if needed


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I'd say it's some sort of damsel as well. It's definitely not a coral beauty. When damsels are that big, it's hard to tell because they can change colors from when they are smaller (and that's what we're used to seeing). A chromis is a type of damsel, so Justin is on the money, IMO.
I was leaning to the damsel too. Its just huge! And not aggressive or pretty. It is also putting a hell of a load on my tank. I think it may need to go.
Possibly an adult Jewel Damsel?

Juvenile (this is why people get them; they're gorgeous babies!)

Aaaaaand the boring adult coloration


That's my guess!