Tunze Nanostream 6045


Reefing newb
Just replaced my Koralia 1 with a Tunze Nanostream 6045.

Double the price....but well worth the investment.
This thing moves SO MUCH WATER and is the same size of the K-1.

The flow blasts the sides of the tank and has now given me complete water movement in the entire tank....

Just thought I would share.

if I can ask, what benefits did you see of the 6045 versus something like a vortech mp10? (besides ~$90)

congrats on the pickup btw, tunze has top notch customer service and some of the very best products on the market!

I was going to purchase the MP10....but I decided to hold off.

The 10 would give a good "wave" effect and I decided I didn't want that on the nano tank. The action on the surface would be too much for the little tank. I will save the vortech for a larger tank.


I was going to purchase the MP10....but I decided to hold off.

The 10 would give a good "wave" effect and I decided I didn't want that on the nano tank. The action on the surface would be too much for the little tank. I will save the vortech for a larger tank.


i see. so what size of tank is this on? do you have pics?
Thats really awesome! there is nothing like visually seeing a huge improvement on flow. its a good feeling i have been there before!
Saw a few reviews and youtube about the VorTech and they look very impressive. I've ordered a 40W to try out. Let's see if it can really replace ALL of the powerheads in a tank like they advertise.
lol. i'm pretty sure I'll have to turn it down quite a bit. The only thing that's I kinda doubt is that if it can really get to between certain places.