trigger dies


Reefing newb
lost my niger trigger
only had him for about 1 1/2 weeks
he was acting strange for a few days
wouldnt come out to eat
noticed his eyes were very foggy
his color was horrible
most of his fins were about gone

last night he was just aimlessly swimming around but with very little enthusiasm, i could have reached in and picked him up no problem

all other fish are fine
2 dwarf fuzzy lions
stars and stripes puffer

params are good
calcium was kind of high

he was 3-4"

he was fine when i bought him
i buy 9/10 of my livestock from a local small shop
she had him in her tank for about a month
didnt see him being bullied by anyone

i aclimate using the turkey baster method,1 out 2 in every 12 to 15 minutes, usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half

the other fish in the tank are 2 dwarf fuzzy lions
a stars and stripes puffer
a royal gramma (tried to catch him to put in my reef tank but cant get him)
and a lawnmower blennie (also tried to catch for the reef tank)

wierdest thing was his fins
the big crescent shaped tail fin was pretty much gone
bottom fin was about gone and his left side fine was totally gone
My guess is the fish was already sick at the LFS but the symptoms were not showing yet...i dontk know just a guess. Maybe the move stressed the fish even more.
did u observe him eating at the lfs, he may not have been eating at all, especially after you brought him home...due to stress, or illness

sorry about your loss.
he did eat at the lfs

its anyones guess, he was a cool fish

i may keep my eye out for another trigger in the future

thanks all
LFS seems to think it was fin rot
and although the symptoms were there, the main cause is water quality
I actually never heard of fin rot, but looked it up and it legit

my water quality is good in both my tanks
religious water changes
testing weekly
dosing when needed
not overfeeding

its only the second fish i have ever lost so i guess thats not too bad
Something that a lot of people dont think about.When you bring home a fish that has acclimated to less than decent *nasty* water,then place it in a tank with high quality water.It can shock them.Just the same as not acclimating them.
i never saw the puffer messing with him
but who knows what goes on at night

i got a new fish
i actually bought him at the same time i bought the trigger but waited to pick him up

he is a sea goblin anybody ever seen one???
those are some ugly fish...u do know it is not reef safe(if u have one), and they prefer live food...
be careful with its spines...they are sharp!
but anyway, congrats on the new fish, and good luck with it.
"just my two cents"