

I don't work for anybody

My biggest fear came true. The Majestic Angel did not make it. He died Sunday. :grumble: It looked like Oodinium, heaven help me if it was. He was covered with white blotches, it looked different from the last time I had that nasty disease in my tank. I took pics and showed it to my LFS today and they said it was not Oodinium. I have my fingers crossed. I will wait 2 weeks before replacing that fish with another angel. Probably not another Majestic. Sad day. The other fish are active and eating well. Wish me luck.

-Dr Marco:sfish:
thanks for the info about that lousy parasite. After further inspection of the fish, it is doubtful that it was Oodinium. Most likely that the fish was stressed by its aggressive fishmates and got some kind of bacterial infection. None of the other fish are showing signs of infection and I am hopeful that it was not Oodinium. I will avoid adding my last angelfish for another two weeks - I really want another one - maybe a blue ring or emperor - not sure. I will for sure wait to see what happens. Cross your fingers!!!>|<

-Dr Marco:sfish: