too much?


Reef enthusiast
All right, here's what I've got in my 125:

1 flame angel
2 oscellaris clowns
1 tailspot blenny
1 mandarin
1 yellow watchman goby
1 diamond goby
3 purple firefish

I intend to add a magnificent foxface and a red sea desjardini tang.

Now, if I also wanted to add another big fish-- say... naso? hippo? I'm not sure yet.... would that be pushing it? I do have a ginormous skimmer-- rated up to about 500gallons I think.
well, I started out with most of those. The only new fish are the firefish and the diamond goby.

so now the question is, what other large fish should I get? :D
There are a few triggers that are usually safe -- niger, crosshatch, bluechin/throat and pink tail. I had a pink tail for years until it was killed in a catastrophic rock slide. One of my favorite fish ever! So full of personality!
ennh.... I have one "with caution" fish... I don't think it's a good idea to chance another. that's probably asking for trouble

"A 70 gallon or larger aquarium with rocks and caves provides a good environment. With caution, it can be housed in a reef aquarium, but will eat any crustacean and small fish."

That's no good... my mom loves my fire shrimp, if he got eaten, I'd probably get killed....
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From liveaquaria: about lamarack's angel: "They may chase small, docile planktivores such as Anthias, Fairy Wrasses, Flasher Wrasses, and Fire Gobies but will usually ignore other fish, including other Angels. Only one male Lamarck's Angelfish should be kept per tank"

so, will it chase my blenny, and gobies? and, it might leave the fame angel alone, but will the flame angel leave it alone? lol