

Reef enthusiast
How do you attach these to the rock? Superglue? It's just a small frag.
And where would you place it? I can't find consistent info... some say low-medium flow, other say moderate to high flow. And it seems like medium-ish light?
Mt toadstools seem to do fine in just about any type of flow. As for light, I keep both of min ein the bottom 2/3 of the tank and again, they're open all the time so they seem to be fine. To attach them, get a needle and thread and sew it to a piece of rock, eventually it'll attach itself.
Dennis, I've got 2 toadstools that are doing really well. They like alot of flow and top of the tank. If it's on a plug, just glue the plug down...if he's not on a plug, just kinda wedge him into the rock, if it's happy there it will attach to the rock. If you keep them in higher light higher flow, they'll not only open up, they'll grow nice and big and relatively quickly.
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ok, thanks!
Found a little hole in the rock for him. Hopefully he stays put. I need to put some traffic cones around him to keep the pincushion urchin away.
I have mine up high in front of a power head. It has grown a lot. I got it already glued to a plug. I just put the plug in a hole, now the side has attached to another rock.