time to start?

LSD reefer

Reefing newb
So I put all water and live sand in the tank on the 31st. I then added 75 to 80 lbs of live rock on the 9th. The rock was curred in a tank 2.5 yrs ago, that was taken down I believe due to hydroids, with the rock staying in water in the dark for months before I got it. My amonia is 0ppm and nitrates are 0ppm also, only test I have at the moment LFS was out of nitrites. Do you think it is too earls still? The hydroids are all dead by the way.


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Also I was given a cup of sand and water form RyanG, thank you. Now have purple coralline growing in/om the sand, with a few small tube worms.
You can start out with a few of your CUC maybe some hardy snails and hermits.

Both of my tanks cycled in about 2 weeks because I used live everything also.

But I would give the CUC a week to see how they do before putting in a fish, personally.