The waiting game

Your lights are fine for a FOWLR tank.The lights maybe enough sustain the coralline but you will get little to no growth.If your asking will hair and other nuisance algae will grow,yes it will.If your absolutely sure that a reef isn't in your future than stick with what you have.
Hey everyone

Well my waiting game is over - I couldn't quite last a whole month staring at an almost-empty tank. (Snails and hermit crabs aren't the most exciting things to watch). So allow me to introduce Salmi (the litttle guy) and Mandi (the big 'un).


Too bad my digi. cam sucks, I can't vary the shutter speed so every picture I take has blurry fish, hell, blurry everything. Guess I'm just not a good photographer.

Anyways, the girl at my store was completely willing to sell me two maroon clowns. The next time I was in the store, another employee was saying maroon clowns are very hard to pair-up, and that they are better as a solitary species. Does anyone have any experience with this? The only trouble I've had was when bringing them home from the store they were in the same bag, and the big one took a big chunk out of the little one's rear dorsal fin. Once i got them acclimated and in the tank though, it's been fine. Sometimes they (gasp) sleep together, sometimes they don't. I guess time will tell.

Another thing - I've got lots of ridiculously small (like, the pointy end of a needle-small) bugs on my glass. I can't be more descriptive than that - they are definitely alive as I can see them move around. Any clues as to what they might be?

Oh, and for you gamers out there - I picked up a role-playing game called The Witcher. So far I'm really liking it - in some ways it brings me back to my younger days playing games like Ultima III.
bugs are good, there are many different size pods and they all eat different stuff like algae or detritus, think of them and little tank cleaners. Once you get alot of live rock you will see tons of other stuff cruising around your tank at night when lights are off. Nice lookin clowns by the way good luck with them, and remember don't add to many fish at once wait another 6 to 8 weeks before adding anymore so your biological filter can adjust to the clowns.
Thanks french

I try to limit my noob questions - you vets must get tired of reading the same questions over and over. (talking about my clownfish - there are plenty of threads talking about clownfish it seems - I should have searched a bit more.)

Next fish I'd like to add is a Onespot Foxface, but I need to wait until I've got decent algae growth. Well, it wouldn't have to be a Onespot. Looking at the "vanilla" Foxface .. it's a nice looking fish, but I've never seen one at my fish store, only Onespots.
i have only been in hobby but 2 yrs, so i'm learning as well and never get tired of seeing same question cause its nice to get help in here than get screwed from local fish store there all about making money from you so watch what they tell you always ask in here before you buy or add something to your tank trust me it will save you big headache and alot of money.
The LFS was right,maroons are the hardiest to pair up.You did the right thing though-by getting one larger than the other.Hopefully,in time,they will pair but no guarantees they ever will.

The small bugs on the glass are copepods,that means your system is maturing nicely.Yummy fish food and detritus/plankton eaters.

Congrats on the maroons,one of favorite clowns.
Those clowns look good and healthy.

A little advice on the foxface your looking at.
Make sure you have plenty of hiding places for him,and that your clowns dont pick at him.Even though their a good hardy fish they stress easy and get jumpy.So make sure you have the top covered with something even though their not known for jumpping out.
I've got a couple questions.

First, I will have had the two clowns for 2 weeks on Wednesday the 14th. The tank will have been setup for a month, more or less. I've yet to do a water change. I'm assuming I'm due for one. Or, is there a test I should use to gauge whether it's time for a water change? (a nitrate reading for example) I am planning to do one this week, just wanted some feedback.

Second, do I have to worry about my snails way up high on the glass when I do a water change? Or can they stand being high and dry for a couple minutes?

Third, d.french advised to wait 6-8 weeks before adding another fish. I know the biggest thing in this hobby is patience, but I'm seeing how comfortable my clowns are getting and I'm starting to wonder how easily a passive fish like a foxface will adapt.

Hopefully these are just minor concerns though. Everything seems to be going smoothly. I've got pods galore, algae growing on the rocks, and some green vegatative growth I am assuming is macro algae?


What would some of you add as your next fish if you were in my shoes?

I've got 10 snails, 10 hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, and the 2 maroon clowns.

Thanks for the replies everyone, it is helpful. Although, Dr. Marco filled me with a slight sense of dread for any new fish I add, haha. :)
You should do regular water changes, a good rule of thumb is 10% to 20% weekly. Don't wait until you get a bad test reading to do a water change, prevent bad water quality instead!

Your snails will be fine out of water for a few minutes. They can always move back to the water if they get uncomfortable.

That is macroalgae you've got there, it looks like caulerpa. I would remove it from your display tank, it spreads very easily and quickly will take over. And it's really hard to remove if there's a lot of it.

With a 90 gallon tank, you have tons of options for your next fish. I think the foxface will be fine in a tank that size with the clowns. You could get a tang of some sort, or a pair of firefish.
Would you wait untill a rod is knocking in your car before you change the motor oil?
Your tank will thank you if you'll get in the habit of doing a 10 to 20% water change once a week.
if they are small, your clowns will be OK.....for a while. I have one maroon clown in my work tank and he is the smallest fish in the tank. His tankmates are two angelfish, a triggerfish, a wrasse, and an eel.

I like the idea of a foxface for a fish in your tank, maybe a yellow tang. add two smaller fish if you do, they need support with maroon clowns, just my experience. I had mine kill a moorish idol

Do some research to see what kind of fish are out there. Go to LFS and see what they have available. Only buy fish that you know about. If in doubt leave it.
he was eating, and eating well. the maroon just bullied him into hiding. same with an anthia. I forgot that he killed an anthia as well.

he also killed a firefish. come to think of it...why do I have one? it is almost full grown though, not a baby
