The trend continues


I am a girl
In all three of the tanks I've ever tried to keep either long-tentacled or short-tentacled plate corals (my 55, 240 and now 90), I have failed. I have probably tried at least half a dozen plate corals. All of them die within a few days. It's weird, because all my other corals are always just fine. I can't figure it out!

5 days ago, I bought a plate coral for my 90. All my other corals are doing great. I hadn't tried a plate corals in at least 2 years, so I figured maybe my luck had turned.

Today when I came home from work it was a dead skeleton. And when I pulled it out of my tank, rotting coral flesh went all over the tank and the water smelled SO BAD!! Now none of my other corals are opening. Yuck.

So why, out of all the corals I have been able to keep, do plate corals (which are supposed to be "easy") elude me? Why do they die within a few days EVERY TIME I GET ONE?!?! WTF?

I'm done with these stupid plate corals. Done, I say. DONE!
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I've tried both long and short. The one I got last week was long. This was only the 2nd long I've tried, all the rest have been short.
You want one Biff and you know's the simple challenge that they die that makes you want another......guy buy one Biff....long tentacle.....I had one die too, was doing great and then, poof, gonezo. I hear they don't like cats much...
Do your cats stare in the tank? Mine does, she loves the little fishy heads!! She drinks out of my goldfish tank upstairs, cat is wierd. I get her a fountain cat bowl thing, won't go near it. Drinks out of the poopy goldfish tank all the time...everytime I clean the tank she comes on this table and bumps heads with me and then watches me, chase that big shrimp she wants to eat!!!! Fishies!!!!
Only one of my cats (Waffle) shows any interest in the tank. And only when I'm doing maintenance on it. The rest of the time, they couldn't care less. does that explain my inability to keep plate corals alive?
Did it get stung? Mine was never really happy. It ate a little then died. Real ugly thing anyway, no loss. They can't keep em at the lfs either. Maybe they don't like captivity??
Never was stung. It wasn't touching any other corals. It wasn't anywhere near other corals. They are supposed to be easy. My LFS has one in their display tank that reproduces like crazy. There are probably 30+ clones of it all along the bottom of the tank.
Ugh! I feel the same as you Biff. I had a short purple one that lived almost a year and a half. Seemed like I couldn't kill it. Then one day gone. I have tried several since then and they all died within a month and a half. I'm done with them too. Welcome to the club.
Thanks for the welcome, David. We can be the founding members of the "Plate Corals Belong in My Trash Can" club.

Seriously, my tank smells like ass. I've been running carbon in my Rena canister filter for the past few hours. And it still smells like ass. Tomorrow I'll make up some water for a water change. At first I was blaming the smell on NDB, and then I saw the dead coral :(
So, if I buy a plate and it lives longer than 6 months - am I booted out of the LR community? :shock:

Gotta be careful about what ya stock the tank with nowadays - don't wanna make anybody jealous. :mrgreen: