Tank switch


Reefing newb
I would like to do my tank switch this weekend.

I've got live rock, many inverts, and a sun coral to move up. Both tanks are testing equal in all but the Ammo, the spec is high and the larger is fine, cycle should be done by Sunday.

Any thoughts?
Ok, so if i read that right, the little one is fine, but the big one, that you want to move to has ammonia in the tank still?

If it still has ammonia you are going through the cycle. When it IS completely finished, you can move in, otherwise you risk killing your fish, inverts and sun coral
Actually, sorry, it's the other way around, I've neutralized all the ammo, in both, but my nitrrate is on it's cycle spike right now, in the big one. So do I still do a drip to switch of new water to old, or drip old to new? How do I handle the coral?
If you still have Nitrates in your tank the cycle is not complete. There is no guarantee the cycle will be finished by Sunday. Don't move anything until the cycle is complete.
Hold on, do you have niTRATES or niTRITES in the tank? if it is nitrates that are really high, you can get rid of that through water changes. And if there is no ammonia and no nitrites the cycle is actually finished.

IF this is the case, do a water change to reduce nitrates and then it will be safe to put the live stock in.
ammonia and nitrites are zero you mean? if thats the case, the cycle is done and its safe to introduce live stock, when you get your nitrates under 10 from water changes, its safe to introduce inverts, but I would still say only put 1 fish in per 2-3 weeks to stop another ammonia spike.
Would it be wise to introduce the blue peeved hermits first, the Nossarius first, or the sun coral first?

How do I physically handle the sun coral? With forceps or with a non soap clean hand?
I would say it would be wise to do the water changes, then drop a fish in the tank along with some of your cleaning crew. What are your nitrates at ?

The sun coral you can handle with your hands, you dont have to worry about it stinging your or anything or hurting it.
About 20 for the nitrates.
Thanks for the tip on handling the coral.
So when I get the nitrates down, I'm thinking of moving the cleanig crew and the coral, then let it work and add the fish later?
I would say add one fish at the beginning, because he will increase the bioload and allow more good bacteria to be created. If you dont, you willl lose some of that bacteria that was created in the cycle. Then, add one more every few weeks to slowly create the necessary good bacteria to turn that ammonia the fish create into nitrates.

have you read this article? I wrote it a long time ago, might have something helpful


basically, everything can go in, but try to be slow with fish, and start with one fish at the beginning with the coral and cuc
Excellent article, thank you for ending it and thank you for writing it.

I'll do some work off of it.

Thank you for your time today, I and my fish and my wallet appreciate your efforts.

Have a good day!

Did you happen to write an beginners guide for corals too? :-)
Nah, I didnt, but thats a good idea, I might write a few more going further now that Ive learnt more :)

Just ask around, people can help you here.
Your time and everyone else in this community and the moderators are awesome, there's a few other aites out there who should pay for a group of people like you.
Hahaha, but then we wouldnt actually be as helpful ;) the moderators here are the best, the people here are really working hard to help newbies because they care about the hobby and the people :)

this site is the reason i stay enthused in this hobby more than anything!