Swapping to a reef tank...


The Damsel Defender
so after much dileberation and much stress of trying to keep fish (or want fish i can't have) I have decided to switch my 20g up to a full on reef tank. right now it just has 2 damsels in it and some different viraties of button polyps and a few different star polyps.

I am thinking about getting some acro frags from our LFS... I have all the proper lighting and things for it so thats all set, but my question is this:

the damsels are going into my sisters tank so they have a home, but while I was at the LFS yesterday there was a lady who brought in a mated pair of clowns and said she could no longer keep them because she lost her house along with her fish (and she had some GORGEOUS ones!!). all these guys lived in a 75 g tank and are about full grown (they are 3' each). she said shes had them for years and that she wanted to find a good home for them... so the LFS has them on hold for me ($30 for a mated pair is a steallll i hope?) so i could come on here and ask.... could i have JUST those two clowns in a 20g reef? I'm hoping the answer is yes :) they are amazing looking clowns!
if all you plan on are the two paired clowns then yea its barely fine. Since they are already large, a third fish would create territory issues but just two clowns should be ok although a 20 gal is kind of small, i think it will be ok.
Yes, it'd be fine. Clowns may get big, but I actually think they do pretty well in small tanks. They don't move around! They don't swim! They don't go anywhere! Because they are naturally so territorial, they choose to hang out in the same place all the time. They are great fish for small tanks for that reason.
Sharkie it sounds like a steal. My last pair I paid over $100 from reefhotspot.com!
Remember a picture for us!


I will def get pics :) I am calling the store today and having them put on hold, just wanna get these damsels out and then they can come to their new home! :D