stupid LFS


Reefing newb
So one of the guys i know here in town is trying to get rid of his tank, he doesnt know exactly what size it is but he said its somewhere around 45gal so lets just call it 45 to make it easier.

I went to the LFS to see what they had for fish and i told the guy there i was looking into possibly an aggressive tank and he told me "well ive got a couple of fish you could have in there that are cool!" and then he told me id be ok with a niger trigger, dwarf lion, snowflake eel and these 2 large percula clown that have been there ever since i remember going there the first time... so i said screw that guy if he's gonna lie to me like that....

Sooo... what exactly COULD i fit in there as far as aggressive-ish fish? I like the lionfish but i dont want it to destroy anything i put in there... so any suggestions?

This tank i am getting is completely cycled and has been set up for a few years... and its FREE which is the reason im upgrading.

Any suggestions?
If you are looking to put coral in the tank down the road I would stay away from aggressive fish. They are just to messy.
After you move the tank I would let it run for awhile and let it settle in before getting any fish. Just in case there is a small cycle.
+1 oscarsdad, plus you cant say you want an aggressive tank with aggressive fish but say you dont want the aggressive fish to destroy everything. thats what they do
well what i meant was i want aggressive fish but ive been told there isnt much that will do ok with a lion fish. I like the coral beauties, flame angels, etc and i know they are semi aggressive but i thought the lionfish would still kill them... so i guess what i meant is that i want aggressive fish, but not to the point where i can only have 1 fish in there...

any good suggestions on a couple if fish that would do ok with a dwarf lion? any warsses or would the flame angel and coral beauty work?
you could try a small Huma Huma. They are pretty cool, But I would get the smallest one you can find.
A dwarf lionfish would be alright.But their just a messy as their full sized cousins.
You could do the dwarf lion and a coral beauty,but I wouldnt push it any farther than that.
thanks for the help, asside from the lionfish, what else would be a good match to a flame angel and a coral beauty? i like 6line warsses and clowns and pretty much any colorfull/active fish.
is this for your 10 gallon tank? because two dwarf angles in a big tank is trouble let alone a small tank, and i read in your other thread that you already have a clown too and your tank description says you have a lawnmower blenny. so i suggest maybe the 6 line wrasse and that be it, but even that might be pushing it. and clowns need atleast a 20 gallon tank
I think he upgraded to a 46 Dustin.
But I still wouldnt add 2 dwarf angels,of any kind.One would be alright.
ONE dwarf angel, and the dwarf lion would be ok. I have a dwarf lion with my 2 dwarf angels and they dont bother each other. My lion wouldn't even eat my yellow clown goby! IMHO the dwarf lion is your very best bet for an aggressive fish in a 46gal. A trigger will get too big, they need lots of swimming room like a tang does. I'd pass on the snowflake eel, but that's up to you, it may be fine for a while. Good luck with the new tank!
its alright, so as of right now, I would like a dwarf lion, and a dwarf angel, i would like maybe 1 or 2 more fish in there, is that pushing it too far? If not, what else could i keep?
If those are the fish you want. I would get them first(not at the same time). Let them live in your tank for awhile and keep an eye on your water. You might beable to keep 1 more but I would think it would be pushing it.
i do have a clown right now (percula) and a lawnmower blenny... both which are in the 10 gal for now. I know perculas are some of the more agressive clowns, and the blenny is pretty good size already (about 2 in) so would those do ok? if so, i would just keep those 4. If not, i can return those for store credit.
yeah the blenny will be a gonner, and oscarsdad i actually do read every post but since i do that i sometimes forget about details like that. and since your going to have a messy fish (lionfish) then i would say that the clown, if he makes it, and the angel will be about maxing your tank out