Starting a new 75 gallon reef


Reefing newb
Hello all. I'm about to start a new 75 Gallon Tank that will evetually become a reef tank, but for now, will be a fish / inv. with live rock. I am going to start off with just 50 lbs of live rock, so that I can add better pieces of rock later that I see in the store (may have tubeworms, etc.) The equipment that I have available is a 525gph 4 stage canister filter with built in UV filter, a 330gph power filter rated for a 60gal setup, 2- 800gph wavemakers, 1- powerhead, a protein skimmer rated for a 150gal setup, and an Aquasun T5-HO Double Light Linear Fluorescent Hood 48". I just wanted to get everone's opinion on my setup, and mostly if the Light hood is going to be strong enough to have corals in my tank. I will add more info on what direction I want to go with this tank, but for now, I just wanted some input on my equip. Any input is appreciated. :sfish:
hello and welcome :)

id say trash the canister filter and use the skimmer. Is the skimmer HOB? (hang on back) or in sump?
if the tank is empty and not drilled then I would drill it now for a sump. This makes your life much easier in the future when it comes to adding equipment, and not to mention it makes everything look nicer.

How many bulbs are in the light you have? the bulbs are 54 watts each and if you want to keep a good variety of corals then aim for at least 4 watts per gallon.

everything else sounds like a good start, dont forget the heater to help regulate the temperature.
Personally,I would just use the canister on a part time basis.Nothing wrong with using it 24/7 except it will need to be cleaned often.Otherwise they become a nitrate trap.

For LPS and soft corals you will need a 4 bulb T5 fixture(4 x 54w).To be unlimited,you will need six with individual reflectors.
The light hood only Holds Two 46" High Output Linear Fluorescent Lamps. Would I be OK to buy another 2 light fixture with a higher output to combine with this one? I just bought it on e-bay for $108 and it said that it was for reef aquariums. This isn't too big of a deal right now. I don't intend on adding corals for quite a while. I want to get the fish and inverts going and make sure that my water stays consitently balanced. The Protein Skimmer is HOB. Not real sure about drilling my aquarium just yet though.

The fish that we are wanting to add to this tank (not all at once) are: a pair of common clowns, yellow tang, regal tang, flame angel, and a watchman goby.

Inverts: 20 dwarf blue legged hermits, 20 scarlet red hermits, arrow crab, brittle star, maybe an emerald crab.

Thanks for the replies guys! :sfish:
Your livestock list is good. Those fish should all do well in your tank.

I hate to say it, but you got taken with those lights. Those won't be strong enough to support corals. Luckily you've found us, and in the future you can ask about pieces of equipment before you buy! We'll let you know if something is good or not.
Thanks. I like this forum already. I tried another and no one ever replied. I am still browsing for a few other fish to add to the tank later on, but that list is what I want to start with.

Also, I was wondering. At the moment, I don't have the extra money for a RO setup (but is in my future plans), so I am going to have to use tapwater with a chlorine remover. I know that tapwater also poses a phospate problem. If I use a phospate remover in the water before I add it to the tank, would it be sufficient? :sfish:

Where would be a good place to get the hood that I need?
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I know how you feel about not wanting to drill. I have a huge ugly overflow box that drains to my sump because I was afraid to drill too. I live with it though. I definitly say ditch the canister and set up a sump system. much less maintenance and they work so much better. plus you can hide the skimmer and heaters in the sump. You do need some better lights abought the most you'll do with those is some common shrooms if that.

DON'T use tap water. If you have to buy distilled from walmart.
If there is one thing to spend the money on, I'd really try to go for a RO set up. If that's not doable, you could try to get RO water from your LFS or wally world. If you start with bad water, it can set you up for a lot of problems with algae down the line.
I have been getting my water at a local water store they have a vendor right outside that dispenses RO water for $0.25 a gallon. So I take my 5gal buckets there and fill up. If you can find something like that around you its better than tap water.

I cycled my tank with tap water. Luckily it didn't go too bad just high silicates which led to a lot of diatoms in the beginning, but I then started buying my water for water changes later on b/c of all the bad things I found out about tap water :)
If you are really in a pinch then start with tapwater but use a good brand conditioner that doesn't make the water sudsy like Prime.Afterwards,you are going to want to do what the others suggested,buying RO water or make your own.

I'm starting to think Biff is on Current's payroll.
There is a health food store nearby that does sell the RO water. I'm not sure of the price. It can't be too bad. Thanks for all the useful posts, everyone.
To be honest,If I was gonna have to start with tap water,It'd just fill the tank and let it run for 48 hours or so before adding the salt.By doing that,the chlorine will ( for lack of a better way to explain it ) off gas from the water.
That way you dont have to waste your money on chlorine remover.BUT,If you do use something for chlorine,with go with Prime or Brightwell Aquatics Erase-CL.Neither of those products will screw up your skimmer and both work well.
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Thanks Yote. I believe we are going to the Health Food Store nearby to get the RO water. It is .46 per gallon and 10% off on the first monday of the month. I had a 55 gal tank a few years back and had a very bad algea problem. I used tap water then, and I didn't know why I couldn't get rid of it (until I started talkin to you guys on here), so I gave up on it. So, needless to say, I am going to stay away from tap water from now on.
Alright im just gonna jump in and say that i would get a Sump W/Fuge.. Greatest thing i ever did to my tank. I used to run a cannister filter and had nothing but algea problems and PH drops. Once i changed over a couple weeks later algea started going away and PH is now stable.. Like they said i use my cannister for maintanance once a month other then that SUMPS ROCK.......
Alright im just gonna jump in and say that i would get a Sump W/Fuge.. Greatest thing i ever did to my tank. I used to run a cannister filter and had nothing but algea problems and PH drops. Once i changed over a couple weeks later algea started going away and PH is now stable.. Like they said i use my cannister for maintanance once a month other then that SUMPS ROCK.......

Well, I hate to say this, but... I TOLD YOU SO!!!! :p