Starting 55 gal FOWLR

110 is probably close enough to a 125. :) It's the 6 feet of swimming space that's more important.

Let's just say, if I had a 110, I'd do it. :lol: Those fish are incredible.
It's not 6', it's 5', it's a tall tank. I know I'm fantasizing :roll: because my eel probably has a good while longer, but I want to make it an aggressive reef tank and put the following fish in it:

fuzzy dwarf lionfish

blue jaw triggerfish (please!!!)

dog face puffer

purple tang

maroon clownfish
i think i might skip the tang. sounds like i would be keeping a horse in a closet. a pair of ocellaris clowns should start me off well. thanks for all the help, great info on this site.
clowns are hardy fish, i would add them first and as for aggression, as long as its maroons you shouldn't have a problem.
small update: i added my live sand as per the directions on the bag. My water is crazy cloudy, and i have a bunch of foam on the top of the water. I did some research and this should clear up over time (a few days?).
i was just reading up on Mantis Shrimp. when i put in one of my live rocks, 2 small little guys bolted out of the rock and disappeared. i found 1 a day later and killed it with the net. They were about 1/4 inch long, i am wondering if they were baby mantis shrimp. I was thinking of giving my live rock a quick freshwater dip to get rid of them, if there are any left in the tank. any thoughts??

Curious as to why you would kill anything thats alive? Me, personally, think people that kill shit like that shouldn't have a pet(s). I'm glad it wasn't a mantis, but, even if it was, it gives you no right to just kill it.:grumble:
Curious as to why you would kill anything thats alive? Me, personally, think people that kill shit like that shouldn't have a pet(s). I'm glad it wasn't a mantis, but, even if it was, it gives you no right to just kill it.:grumble:

some people see them as pests and others as pets.
Curious as to why you would kill anything thats alive? Me, personally, think people that kill shit like that shouldn't have a pet(s). I'm glad it wasn't a mantis, but, even if it was, it gives you no right to just kill it.:grumble:

Do you eat meat? Just sayin'. :mrgreen:
UPDATE: 5.17.2011

I also added some pics that I snapped this morning.

got a bunch of work done over the past several days. I have been extremely busy, so i do a little here and a little there. I am also going away for several weeks starting later this week. Unfortunately i will not be able to monitor the tank, but i will have family do so. On the bright side it will make the cycle time go by faster for me. I might drop a raw shrimp in the tank to get things started after I check the water tonight.

Things I have completed over the past several days:

-Live sand. I grabbed some live sand (dead sand, whatever you want to call it) online for a good price. As per the directions i did not rinse the sand, huge mistake on my part. I did some research before, and it seems like some people do not rinse the sand and some do. Sooooo, i put the sand in the tank and i got an instant milkshake. When i let the tank sit for a day or two the water would clear up. Once I touched anything in the tank or cleaned the junk off the live rock or glass the water would get all milky again. So I let the tank sit for several more days and the same thing happend. I then lost all hope with this live sand and striped the tank down. I took out the live rock and put it in buckets of tank water, sucked out all the milky water, scooped out all the sand, and rinsed. I set the tank back up with the rinsed sand, live rock, and RO water; things are much better now. The water is crystal clear, and when I stir the sand it does not cloud up the water.

-RO filter. I got my RO filter in the mail the other day. Its a 50 GPD several stage unit, for the price I am happy with it. It makes about 1 gallon of clean water to 2 to 3 gallons of dirty water. I can fill up a 5 gallon bucket in about 2 to 3 hours, not to shabby. I don't like leaving the RO filter running with no supervision, so I have been slowly making water little by little. I have to make several more gallons to fill the tank, and some "top-off" water for when I am away.

-Skimmer. I picked up a used Reef Octopus BH 100F skimmer from a member on these boards. The skimmer arrived in great shape and packed up very well. The member was also extremely helpful with any info i needed. I finally got the skimmer on the back of the tank and running last night, so far so good. The skimmer took some time to break in even tho it was a used unit. The skimmer was producing a bunch of micro bubbles at first, when I woke up this morning the micro bubbles were gone (great news). I do have some bubbles coming out of the simmer but they are larger and do not bother me. In the overnight hours the skimmer picked up a good amount of crud.

-Canopy. I had to modify the back of the canopy to hang the skimmer. This skimmer is huge! I had to cut a 1 by 12 inch section off the back of the canopy so the simmer can hang on the tank.

Things i still have to complete:

-Canopy. I have to sand the back of the canopy where I modified it to accept the skimmer. While I have the sander out I am going to hit the whole thing and give it a fresh coat of paint.

-Heaters/Powerheads: I have the heater and powerheads just stuck in the tank for now. I have to move them to their final home once the water level in the tank is full.

-Water. I still have to make several gallons of water to fill the tank, and make some "top off" water.


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some more pictures of the skimmer return and tank as of this morning.


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Looks good! I like the blue background, it makes everything look brighter

thanks. its 2 coats of Benjamin Moore interior wall paint. I always had the plastic backgrounds that you get from a roll at the LFS, never had any great success with them. The painted background is much better.