star fish Id plz


Reefing newb
Found this sea star on a beach near where i live, need an Id and also want to know if its possible to put in my reef tank DSCF3835.jpg


Looks almost exactly like one I have. My question is what part of california do you live in? What's the water temp of the water? Is it close to reef temps?
put it back for a couple of reasons, 1) doesnt come from waters close enough to reef temps. 2) you shouldnt take it outta the ocean and stick it in your tank, let the pros do it so you know its safe to put in your tank and 3) if you cant get a proper i.d its safe to assume its bad
Thats either a serpent or a brittle star.And if he was on the beach,I'd say he was a long from home.
Good choice on releasing him.You really shouldnt bring wild caught stuff home to stock the tank with.#1-Its unethical as a hobbiest.And #2-You could be breaking your local fish and game laws which could cost a lot of money and time in jail.