sps vs lps


Reefing newb
I'm new to a reef tank. What kinds of corals should I get? SPS or LPS? Which ones are hardier? Easier to care for? Less Aggressive? More colorful? Prettier? What are the downsides, if any? Just any information anyone has about these. Thanks
LPS tend to be hardier than SPS. They also tend to be more aggressive in that their tenticles are longer. They also require less light and can tolerate less than perfect water conditions.

The answer to colorful is that both LPS and SPS have a huge range of color available. What you think is prettier is what you like. Some people prefer the gentle swaying of LPS while others prefer the look of SPS.

A third option is to start off with softies such as mushrooms and zoas. They tend to be the easiest to take care of.

You will also need proper lighting for your tank.

Also, research on things before you buy. There are exceptions to these guidelines. Such as LPS that generally don't do well and SPS that are easy. So feel free to ask questions.
LPS (in general) are easier to keep than SPS. I prefer the look of LPS because SPS just look like a bunch of colorful sticks to me. Many people prefer the look of SPS. To each his or her own!
You just don't like SPS because it is hard work :P

I love sps personally. if you get ones with the right colors they are nice. But they are incredibly hard to look after.
Mushrooms, leathers and zoas are considered soft corals -- a category separate from LPS and SPS. Soft corals are very easy to keep, very colorful and the fastest growing of the three types of corals. They also require the least amount of lighting and can tolerate less than perfect water conditions.