Somethin wierd on my candycane coral


Reefing newb
So I bought a really cool green candycane coral a few months ago, and slowly I've seen these dark brown things grow on it. There's one on the base, and one up near the top, and it looks like the one near the top is irritating the part of the coral thats near it.

Here's the pictures

In the second one, you can see it better, it's right in the middle.

As Bj said, next on the list is some type of Palythoa at a guess. But for a certain ID, we need a good piccy! :mrgreen:
I enhanced them a bit for you.


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It does kinda look like a paly. How does it react when you touch it? (Dont touch it with your finger, get like a turkey baster)
It does kinda look like a paly. How does it react when you touch it? (Dont touch it with your finger, get like a turkey baster)

I actually did that today during feeding.
It closed up, slowly. After poking it the first time it slightly closed, but barely. Touched it just a little bit harder and then it closed up, only for a short time though.
I'm thinking it's some kind of Mushroom.
Looks a lot like some of the Hairy Mushrooms we've got at the LFS.