so my lion decided to host my clam lol

the clam itself is about 5-6 inches long and 2.5-3inches when wide open

the lion is a dwarf lionfish so hes about 3inches long

and alto nope nothing bad has happened its not the first time he does it they do it once in a while just the first time i actually go my camera out lol

just so yall get an idea of how big it is heres a side shot my tank is 75 gallon so that makes it what 18inches back

as you can see the clam takes up almost half the space


and another pic from front with a cd for comparison
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too neat! And I thought the fish were giving us therapy...
Did you name them, the clam and Lion?

At my house Laudie the Dispar probably tells Goober the goby "I wish the smallest of the big ones had something more interesting to say than, 'aahhh!' all the time, I thought these creatures were suppose to be the highest form of intelligence, man." Goober just nods.
(he's says "man" 'cause I gave them the voice of our friend Laudie whom the anthia is named after)
no i havent named them yet

actually the ones with actual names are my
hermit "sarge"
clownfish of course "nemo"
niger trigger"blue"
my lawnmower blenny "el chivo"=the goat

"el gordo" =the fat one for my porcupine puffer

other than that none of my corals have actual names and neighter do the rest of my fish lol
so who doesn't have a clown named Nemo? we do, of course, too.

You should name them Laverne & Shirley or Bill and Ted...depending on whether you want them to be boys or girls...hmm? or one of each?
so who doesn't have a clown named Nemo? we do, of course, too.

You should name them Laverne & Shirley or Bill and Ted...depending on whether you want them to be boys or girls...hmm? or one of each?

My 6 year old says "good night Nemo, Good night Nemo, I love you" (we have two clown fish". He decided to name them each Nemo. They are tanked raised, which I think is best.
this is probably why i love the tank so much...sitting in front of the tank talking about the fish...i love hearing their take on whats going on in their and their imaginations that feed off of each other.

how old are your twins? mine are 3, boy/girl fraternal