snail id


Proud ocelot owner!
My dad brought im home this morning from one of the lfs he said it was a large nass but im not sure its about 1 1/2''


  • Picture 028.jpg
    Picture 028.jpg
    41 KB · Views: 267
another question he doesnt move unless i cut my flow for feeding,or is he jus smelling the food and moves around when i feed?
it does except the colors and size are wrong,its more of a blueish gray and cream with sum algae growth,I think.Hints the green tint
It looks like a crown conch. I used to have one, and he murdered a bunch of my snails. He would stay buried in the sand until he got hungry, then get up and kill a snail for dinner. I gave him back to the LFS.

If you can catch him when he's on the prowl, feed him something meaty like krill. I tried that for a while, but realized he was killing my snails anyway. He never came out during the daily feedings, and I couldn't always get to him in time when he was out.
Yep, that's a conch...most conchs are reef safe, but welks(which look like conch) are not, they're the ones that eat snails.