snail id


Reefing newb
I just changed my tank around yesterday and got a few new pieces of live rock and before I put it in the tank I found this cool lookin little snail. It's really shiny white with 2 yellow stripes on it and I saw it tooling around the rock later on. The lights were off and I pointed a light at it and it put a sort of furry looking layer of skin over the back of it's shell to blend in. Anybody know what it is and if it's good or bad? Thanks


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Shit I think it's a ringed cowrie which does eat corals. Any way of trapping it or do I have to wait till I see it again?
Any trap that you set for it will be just as likely to catch any of your other snails. So I'd say just wait for it to come out again. Now you know that it's in there, you will probably spend some time looking for it :D