SMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! refugium help


Reefing newb
hey guys,
i havent been on for a while
i want to setup a 20 gallon refugium for my 30 gallon biocube

can you guys list-
basic thing to expect
and anything else that would help me out

thanks for any info you give me
are you planning on puting it below the tank? if so, some of what you will need is:
a return pump
a tank for the fuge to be in
some way to divide the sections out in the fuge
light source
sand or mud or whatever substrate you wanna use
an overflow box
plumbing parts to make all the connections
towls to clean up with
plan to spend a good amount of time playing with it. you will have to play with the overflow box to get it set to the right depth in your tank, you will need to do some "power failure" testing to make sure that once you get it all set up the fuge wont overflow if you loose power. As part of that process i would suggest using a sharpie or something to make a line on the fuge for the "normal water level" so you know how much top off water to add.

if you want, that would be the best place to set up an automatic top off or ATO if you want one.

I'm sure i'm forgetting some stuff, but thats a general get you started list.
ok, well that comes with a different set of challenges, but if the top of the water in the fuge is going to be lower than the top of the water in the main DT then this system will still work.

if the top of the water in the fuge will be higher than the top of the water in the DT, then that changes a few things...

yea, when i saw sms i thought of text msgs, and then i thought, well, maybe it was a type-o and should have been SOS, but, the o ahd m are too far apart on the keyboard for it to be a simple fat finger type-o....
A sump holds your equipment, like heater, skimmer, phosphate reactor, etc. A refugium contains live rock and macroalgae, which exports nutrients from your tank and creates a habitat for live food to breed for your animals. Usually the refugium is a part of the sump.