Should I get...

This thread started at 9 this morning and is already 6+ pages long.Underwaterworld,we talked about this last night.The 30g. Finnex with the 150 watter will be good enough.I seriously don't think they would sell that MH fixture if heat issues was so common.I believe there are fans blowing through the side of the fixture.Worst case scenario,you can get a small wall fan from Walmart blowing across the water surface.
Yeah,I know I'm late on this thread.
But I agree with Reef.
Just be careful to keep a close eye on the water temp in a tank that size with halides over it.
any recommended auto top off systems that aren't too expensive that would work with the 30 gallon system?

preferably it could fill up the refigium
I'm going to contact the dealer tomorrow, but


If you read what it says here, doesn't it sound like it is designed to prevent the heat from going to the tank, and I can buy this fan


and that should be good with the 250 w halides?

That way would I be able to grow corals very well and get an anenome after 6 months?
Ok, it may be a while until I get this tank, prob after Christmas, put I'm getting a list together.

What Fish would you recommend? I kind of want to get 2 clownfish with an anenome, but I'm just thinking

Also what for a cleaner crew..etc
Two clowns and anemone is fine.You would need to wait til the tank matures for about 8-12 months before attempting an anemone.I'm not a big fan of anemones in small systems.I would stick with BTA anemones since they are easier than most other kinds.Smallish fish make the best additions-dartfish,basslets,many gobies and blennies,clownfishes...there's really too many to list.

Algae will be your guide on what clean up crew to get.I prefer a variety of snails then any crabs.Nassarius,Mexican Turbos,Astreas,Ceriths,Trochus,Conchs all make good cleaners.
Kauderns Cardinal?
Black Clowns(or other)?

Is is possible to have 2 pairs in a 30 gallon or too territorial? ( a pair of each species)

How many gallons per inch of fish do you recommend?

2 gallons per inch would be 15 inches which would be 5 fish that grow to 3 " both the cardinal and clowns do and it would be cool to have a pair of each
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