Shoot your Urchin!

ok, here's one I didn't post in my other thread.

I got a new urchin yesterday...he won't come out far enough so I can get a good photo yet, so this will have to do! :)



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I have three....for my 120 gallon tank. I would like to get one more---they have an awesome red one at my LFS. I'm worried that 4 might be too many....What are your thoughts? I wouldn't want them to starve....
Yea...I love the black and white contrast. When his feeding thingys (very technical, I know) come out...they're grey. Very cool. I'll try to get a photo when he starts cooperating....
I got a new urchin yesterday...he won't come out far enough so I can get a good photo yet, so this will have to do! :)


Beautiful rock boring urchin! I have one also, but it doesn't have the white spike likes yours does.

Everyone has great shots here. Do your guys come out in the day? Mine is hiding in the rocks all day and only comes out at night.