Sarah's new 60 gallon!

We sold our house and sign it over to the new owners in the middle of May. I'll have 5 days to move my tank (eek!) to a rental for 7 months while my husband builds our new house. Also, I'm pregnant again. Due in July. Again. Could there BE any more going on in my life? (say it like Chandler from Friends) I quit my job though. I tell you what, not working is tits. It's cool if I say tits, I mean, I'm a mom and I use them for what they are supposed to be used for. So it's classy when I say it. I am BEYOND excited for my new tank in the new house, I think I'm going to do an in wall 70 long.
Yay another post and its epic as always!!!!!! We never know what you are going to say next. How can you keep outdoing yourself on this thread???? Congrats on saying 'tits' and there is another use for them? Wow, Learn something new everyday.... And oh congrats on the new baby coming.
Congrats on the baby! Since no one else thought, I'll be the turd in the punch bowl, is it a boy or girl!?! Having a baby is such a HORRIBLY wonderful thing :p. I hope everything transitions well with the tank during the move! Keep us updated and glad things are going well for you!! :)
Tank move complete! As you can see, I'm now a bare bottomed girl.


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All my corals seem happy, except the gsp, but I knew I was ticking off the colony when I dropped 4 attached rocks into a tote and they all tore apart. They had grown together but my pregnant self on a step stool just didn't have the finesse to keep them together. It was an interesting afternoon for sure. Catching the fish was fun too, I couldn't find the yellow assessor or the six line. As you can see, the six line showed up at the end, in a tote that had rocks and some water I was just about to dump out. I saw a little movement and there he was. No yellow assessor anywhere though. :(


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I'm having a girl. It is horribly wonderful. Haha. 8 weeks til my C-section. Ew. Great time to move into a little rental and start building a house. As you can expect, I'm a lot of help.
Ummmmm c section or not you should be updating your posts! We need some of your serious talk! Ummmmm, oh wait I am on the wrong thread I said serious, sorry!
Heyyyyy guys! Our house 2 months away from completion, and we'll be moving again, of course. I am not sure what I'm doing, tank wise. Looking at the glass cages 75 long still. Love that it's 6 feet long but not a huge step up in volume from where I'm at now. Thoughts? Feelings? It's a really open floor plan so there is no where to put it in the wall. Unless it shared with a bedroom, which I wouldn't do. Or in the "lower level" (what I'm calling the walkout basement) but I don't think I'd see it enough. Right now I have an outbreak of bubble algae and a few rocks with red turf. AHHHH! Where is this coming from?? I also have tons of that brown powder everywhere. I'm constantly cleaning the tank. I never did find the yellow assessor, rip shy, bullied little fish. I have met a lot of people lately that all have reef tanks, they all have canister filters and think I'm nuts that I don't. I don't have anything super interesting to share. My days now consist of going to parks, watching Thomas the train, doing laundry, wiping butts. And saying things in a high pitched happy voice. "Aren't you a pretty baby? Who's my big girl? I wuv wuv wuv you!" It's a blessed but mind numbing life. Some days I'm so happy to see my husband when he gets home, I'm like an over excited yappy dog, dancing around him by the front door. "Hi! How was your day? What did you do? What's new? How was driving around in your car by yourself listening to whatever music you want?" He's like, "are you drunk?" No. No I'm not. My threshold of stimulation is just at a record low.