Sailfin tang - Yellow spot has appeared - concerned


Reefing newb
HI...i am a bit concerned because when i came home today our Sailfin Tang appears to have a little bright yellow spot that has appeared on his bottom fan(the fin of the bottom). You can see it when is it fully extended. You can see it on both sides. It is not white - it is yellow. He is eating and acting fine but it is worrying me. What is it?
Can you post a picture?

If the tang is acting fine and eating, he will likely get over it, but I am not sure you have a health problem to be worried about in the first place :)
can't see the white spots in the photo but the yellow spots look like natural coloration changes as your sailfin grows. I have one of these guys and when he was smaller you would see coloration changes in the fins as they grow. They get spots and streaks but then eventually it works into the overall pattern.

If he's eating fine - i would just keep an eye on him for scratching behaviour associated with ich.