

Reef enthusiast
I think ive just lost my first animal in my tank. A healthy maroon clown fish has just gone missing! and im not sure why. Currently im checking nitrates to see if the other clown killed him, but i dont think that is the case. I get a feeling I might have a mantis shrimp because i heard some clicking last night.... GRRRR

I blame my lfs for quarantining my rock and then putting it back in the live rock tank. No good.

Soo shattered but :(
well I heard the clicking last night, and didnt see him in there, but it was about 1am so i didnt think much of it.

but when i woke up this morning, he was still gone, that was about 8am, so now thats 3 hours he has been gone
Pretty much.
But I have never caught a mantis in a trap.Every one I've caught out of my tank,has been with my net.

Just place a silverside or something in your net and tie some string to the handle.Then set back where you can see the tank and wait.When you see the mantis enter the net for the meal,just pull him out.
hahahaha I would put him in my sump

but found the clownfish, he has jumped through a small hole, and gotten into my sump and got chopped up in my skimmer :(
That was a long thread that baby clown one! kinda wish you managed to get some. bad ass timing though