running carbon?


Broke Reefer!
They cleaned the carpets in my office today and I'd like to run some carbon just in case any of the cleaning chemicals made their may into my water (they were pretty careful and the chemicals aren't harsh, but I'd like to be on the safe side). I've never run carbon before - so how do I do that? Just pick up a pre-filled carbon filter at petco, or do I have to use some sort of special filter that I fill myself with activated carbon?

When I run carbon I just put a HOB filter with carbon in on the tank. Run it for a few days then take it off. Make sure you rinse the filter cartridge before you put it in or you get carbon dust in your tank.
sump would be better then the overflow. You wouldnt want it to cause a clog and then a flood. Just put a bag in a high flow part of the sump and it will work
Okay I threw a bag of carbon in the sump about an hour or so ago, rinsed it first in premade saltwater.

Just noticed several of my corals suddenly shrink up and close - plate, helmut, bubble, duncan, blastos, all sps retracted polyps. Is this a normal response to carbon being added? Testing my water now to see whats going on (pH looks to be around 8.3, other tests are still cooking)