

Reefing newb
Tampa, FL USA
I bought a bunch of SPS corals this past Wednesday (mostly acros); they had been doing fine until I just checked on them tonight and three of the acros look like they might have RTN. One of the acros looked like it had a little tissue already receding when I got it, but since Wednesday, it's gotten better. But now two other acros have tissue receding. I iodine dipped all of them before adding them to the DT. I've never dealt with RTN before - I don't even know if it's RTN... Any help?

Here are pictures of the two corals that now have developed an issue...

You can see the tissue blowing on the right side of the acro. It hasn't turned white yet...

This acro seems to be bleaching from the bottom up:

I want to note that the 3 acros having a problem are all in direct paths of Koralias. The other acros/corals aren't in the direct path of any of the Koralias and seem just fine. Could that be the issue?
I was afraid to wake up and find all of my SPS's bleached, but everything looks the same as it did 9 hours ago: The 3 acros with the issue look the same (no more tissue receding since last night) and all of the other corals seem normal... Does this mean it's not RTN?

Sps's like lots of flow, but not direct flow...that could be an issue. Try moving them and see how they do. Good luck.
I might move them, or redirect the flow of the Koralias...

Should I QT the 3 corals? I hate to set-up a QT tank for them if the problem is just flow-related or acclimation-related since they're new to the tank, but I don't want all of the SPS corals to die in my DT if it is RTN...
I just moved the Koralias so that the acros aren't in its direct path anymore...

Parameters this morning:
pH: 7.8
Alk: 143.2 ppm
Salinity: 1.0245
Temp: 78 degrees
Calcium: 420 ppm