Royal Gramma Behavior

Yes. I have been for years. I specialize with, um, difficult clients. I have offered brief direction for many people on this forum from time to time. I cannot be a therapist for people here, but I don't mind lending a helping hand, to get people pointed in the right direction. Everyone needs help from time to time, even me. I am as real as it gets.

Yes and No. both do therapy or can do therapy. Most psychologists tend to have administrative positions positions in companies or have private practices where they do therapy and testing. The term "therapist" is a general term meaning someone who does therapy but there are four main degrees and licensure which will allow someone to do said job legally. Therapists generally hold masters degrees in a counseling or social work degree. Psychologists hold doctorates, they tend to be better trained, more expensive and often carry a large ego (that is me, hence the handle "Doc"). I just use "therapist" cuz that is what people generally understand.

Probably more than you asked for, but hey, I tend to be long winded.

It was wicked old anyways, isnt behavior something that a Doctor of Psychology should focus on? Your just wading around while comtemplating your analysis.
It was wicked old anyways, isnt behavior something that a Doctor of Psychology should focus on? Your just wading around while comtemplating your analysis.

Yeah. Something like that. Hell, I will focus on just about anything for the $125 and hour I charge. Behavior, thought, meta-cognition, projective drawings, blah, blah. :mrgreen:

those stupid projective drawings. So my gf makes me draw a house and the way I draw it has all these things that have to do with my personal feeling somehow. Yet my argument to her is when she tells me that I put a chimney on the left side of the house and that makes me blah blah blah... well I say to her that my real house has a chimney on the left side and that is why I put it there not because I am have some flaw.
Ooohh Psycho-bable, they think that if you pee crooked you wanna do your great auntie and things like that. Some therapists that I have seen/talked to were more F-ed up than I was at the time.
you guys crack me up. First of all, peeing to the LEFT is wanting to do your UNCLE and peeing to the right is about liking to rub crisco all over your body and dance naked in grocery stores: produce isle. Lets get that straight.

As for the projective instrument, you are referring to one of the most famous projective drawing instruments around. It is freakishly accurate. It is not a stand alone test, which means its scoring and validity are enhanced through the use of an actuarial instrument, like the MMPI. It is a pretty good one though. Hard to believe as it is.

Most therapist should see a therapist from time to time. If you think about it, wouldn't you start to lose your mind if you heard a bunch of twisted shit all day from creepy people? That is why I love fish. It is my daily therapy. A hard day at the office equals an hour in front of my tanks, watching my fish swim and corals sway...ahhhhh....calgon: Take me away!
