Rockstacker's 50 gallon Frag Tank


Reefing newb
I figured I should make a new thread for this since the tank is taking on a new role with the rebuild.
I have retired my old 50 gallon reef tank and converted it into a frag tank.

Here's a video of the frag tank as well as other stuff I have in the garage.

[ame=""]Frag Tank and stuff 12-12-2012 - YouTube[/ame]
Video update.
I built a larger frag rack to maximize the tank's size.
I also moved the mushroom frags into the tank inside small plastic cups filled with rubble. Once they attach to the rubble, I can move them out of the plastic cups and glue the rubble to larger rocks.

[ame=""]Frag Tank Update - 2013-08-04 - YouTube[/ame]
Alas, I had shut down this frag tank.
Trying to maintain a 100gal display tank and a 50 gallon frag tank is becoming too tedious - and expensive.
Maybe in the future I can build a smaller frag tank (20-30 gallon frag dimensions).

For now I am cleaning out this tank and will probably use it as a quarantine tank when I decide to get new fish.