RO filter output TDS increasing

You just need one. It should come with a little dropper or scoop thing. The calibration fluid will say which number it needs to be adjusted to -- buy the calibration fluid for 1.026 or something near what we want the salinity in our tanks to be.

Then you put some of the fluid on the refractometer. The refractometer will have a tiny screw on the top or bottom. Turning that screw in either direction will adjust the reading up or down. So you simply need to turn the screw until the reading the refractometer is giving you for the calibration fluid matches what the number the calibration fluid bottle says it should be.

wrong soultion biff :mrgreen:
ok, so, back to it... got the parts today in the mail... for free.... how cool is that?!?! anyway, so i just installed them, and the filter just started making water, so i'll let it run for the next few hours and see what the output TDS looks like after that.. but, i can say that with the new auto shutoff valve, when the float valve turns off, the drain line does stop now after a few seconds.. so, looks thats fixed!!! WOOHOO

they also sent me a new check valve... i'm not really sure what purpose this serves unless it somehow stops water from going backwards through the RO membrane, but anyway, they were nice enough to send it, so i installed it... easy enough anyway...
well, after letting the filter run a bit, i have proven that the auto off valve is working repeatidly... and the output TDS is falling... down to the single digits now... i saw some 4's and 5's earlier... i think thats just cause the filter needed to flush out a bit... not to mention that it prolly dosent hurt to rinse out the bucket i'm doing my tds testing in from time to time.. so, i think its fixed....