RO DI system


Reefing newb
I am trying to find a system that will work for my 100gal tank. I have been reading and there a so many setups that I am getting confused as to what I need vs what I don't really need.
I love automated and simplicity so if you can please help me out.
I need a list of what I need for a setup. I like this setup I found on you tube.
[ame=]YouTube - Saltwater Water Change part 1[/ame] (Do you think its an over kill or this is the way to do it.:bowdown:
all the canisters on the one you have pictured are just different stages of filtration
all the rodi setups i have seen have about the same stages depending on how many stages you want
just remember 5 stges= 5 filters to replace and some of the filters are fairly expensive
most of the ones im seeing are 5 stage
look for gallons per day, and that can be off depending on your household water pressure

another thing to look for is the waste water to pure water ratio some are 3 gallons of waste water to 1 gallon of pure

therefore 50 gallons of pure water = 200 gallons of water through the system

go on ebay and search for pure water club (might be all one word)

i got a 5 stage 80 gal per day for $75
I have 2 more questions.
The ratio of pure water to drain water is 1:3. is that most efficient or there is something better.

The picture I posted in the thread is actually a video, (did anyone watch)? The 5 & 6 stages system I am seeing says it comes with DI filters. In this video did he just add two additional DI filters. Do I need a booster pump. Do I need the TDS system etc.
Can someone please watch the video and let me know if I need everything that he has.

Also about how much water will I be wasting per day if I have a 75, 100 or 150 gpd system.
I have two systems at home. One under the sink with a power booster pump and one on my auto top off without. I have not really found the pump necessary.
I ordered from:
Aquarium Filters
They have been very helpful and can suggest what you should get without over selling you.
exactly what i was just doing! hehehe, yea, i was looking over that one, and i also put in an email to purewaterclub and i'm waiting to hear back from them...

I'm thinking what i want to do is to set the filter system up either on my back porch or out in my shop, and have something like a 55gal food grade plastic drum with a spiggot at the bottom, and then whenever i need water, i can just go out there and get a bucket or a cup or whatever amount i need.

I can't ever see needing more than 55 gal in a week, so i'm thinking a small and relatively cheaper unit may just be fine for me....

can you see any problems with doing it this way? since i'm in texas, do i need to be concerned with the max temps on these units/filters? i've seen it get up to 120 in the barn, and like 115 on the back porch, in the shade...

i know that i'll have to watch the water temp before i put it in my tank, but thats easy... I'm just tired of gathering up my buckets and "going to get water"
I have two units. One under the kitchen sink for drinking water and small water changes, etc...

My second unit I have outside on the back patio, on the wall of the house. I ran a 1/4" irrigation tubing through the wall and along the baseboard to my large tank where it is connected to a auto-top off system. I never have to haul water ever. My Zero Edge takes about 10-15g a day to top off so that got tiresome real fast. This system works great. When I need to do a water change I have an addition line T'd off at the tank to fill my large trash can, so the RODI water is always right there.

I live in Southern AZ so it's HOT! Yesterday it was around 105* at my house. The system tops off so slowly that I don't think it affects the tank temp. I'm sure most of the water has a chance to cool off some on it's way to the tank, too. As for freezing, it's rare here, but I do cover it in the winter.
Yeah I know. :lol: That's why I HAD to run an auto top off!

It's got a lot of surface area though as the water flows down all four sides. We were putting in 5g in the morning and 5-7g at night during the summer months. It was crazy! If we didn't get home in time at night (like we went out for dinner) the pumps would be spitting out tons and tons of bubbles! I have 2 - 14000 Quiet One pumps so I'm moving over 7,000g of water per hour. You have to have a lot of flow to move all that water down the sides fast enough to create a sheet of water to see through. If you don't have enough flow the water ripples down the sides about and at the half way point you can't see trough it. It's a totally different set-up but works great. Expensive though. Oh, yes I have A/C set to about 74* during the day and 72* at night!
yea, and i keep mine at 68 during the summer.. ok, so, outside wont be a major concern for the unit then.. i was actually thinking about stringing some tubing from where i want to moung the filter to the sump for ato...

i still want to have my tank outside cause fish isnt the only thing i use ro water for(i'm a wrench on the weekends, so when i mess with a radiator, you cant beat ro)

wow, your rig sounds impressive, any chance i can see some pics?