Rip cb

Just watched my yellow coral banded shrimp take his last breath. Woke up and he was on the bottome of the tank laying down. Fanned a lil water at him and could tell something was wrong...well he wasnt molting....he was dieing.:frustrat: pretty much my second fav invert in my reef. Im devestated. Guess i should go check my param's. The unrelenting peps are cleaning his carcus right now =(

You can see my tail spot blenny knew something was wrong too. He basically stayed by his side till he passed.

4 min after he died...the clean up began


They are taking turns..

Thanks Brian, can't help but feel like a bad father...wish I new what happened to him.

The tail spot is Awsome. He's always cleaning the walls and fellow snails... hermits..ect...he sleeps where I can see him. He's also fairly small so he doesn't impact my bioload much at all. They are algae eaters from what I know and when I feed my tank he's been eating a few mysis/brine. Weird...