right size pump?

For the sump size, generally 1/3 your tank size is considered good 'nough to do the job.

For the pump size, you'll want to move 3x to 5x the TANK volume through your sump each hour.

Your signature indicates you have a 29g tank so I'll assume this is the tank you're talking about. Since it's 29g then you need a minimum 10g tank. That would be 1/3 the tank size. Now if you take 29g x 5 you'll get about 150gph. Or if you take 29g x 3 you'll get about 90gph.

So for a 29g tank, you want a minimum sump size of 10g and you want to run between 90gph - 150gph through it.

So now you need to add in the total head height and calculate the pump loss. Start looking at pumps that do about 250 - 300gph without head height. By the time you calculate the loss from head - you should be down around 90-150gph.
you made it sound so easy thank you very much. I have asked this question in 2 other forums and the answers were so confusing your answer makes complete sense thank you again.
I have one more question I have seen sumps you can buy at places like dr. foster and smith if I were to get one of those with an overflow box and return lines and a pump is that it? is that all I need?
That is all you need, however you will spend hundreds of dollars to buy a pre-made sump. Alternatively, you can go to Walmart and spend $11 on a new 10 gallon tank, and make that your sump.
I did look into that but...
I would have no Idea how to do this I am not very talented at DIY things and get very very confused when everyone talks about how to do this. I am just now understanding the whole sump idea (thanks to this forum)
Easy! Put the 10 gallon tank underneath your display tank, put the overflow box on your display tank with the plumbing going down to the sump, and put the pump in the 10 gallon sump with the plumbing going back up to the tank. That is the basic gist of it. It is worth saving a few hundred dollars and just doing it yourself, IMO.
so I don't need to make a baffle(I think that is what it is called) or do stuff with plastic (forgot what it is called) to make little rooms or prop anything up? I see these sites that has tones of glueing and stuff. you make it sound so easy I admit I am a little intimidated but am thinking of trying it (just to see if I can do it)
Well that depends on what you want the sump to do. A sump is just a place for more water volume. If you are gonna do a sump/fuge with a skimmer in it then you will need baffles. Now some people have everything just in a sump tank no baffels but then you have to worry about the macro algae getting sucked into a pump. Others have a sump and separate fuge that feeds into the sump. The sky is the limit on the ways you can do it.
i agree, you need to define your goals and what you want out of the sump before you can really decide how to build it.. but basically if you can operate a tape measure or ruler reliably, and can operate a tube of toothpaste, you can probably do this.. basically you'll measure the inside of the tank your gonna use for the sump, call your glass supplier(i used a local glass shop) but home depot or michaels or hobby lobby can probably cut the glass for you as well... then get yourself a tube of aquarium silicone, and glue the glass sheets in...

now, when it comes down to figuring the math, the flow rates, where exactly to put the baffels in, how tall they need to be, and things like that, i'd be more than happy to help you figure that part out.. i've built a couple of them myself, and i've never had a flood from my sumps...

so, what are you wanting to gain by adding a sump? what filtration are you using now? and if you dont mind me asking, what is the timeline and budjet for this project... also, what does the bottom of your stand and or setup look like, how much space do you have for a sump?

heres a pic of my first sump/fuge...


  • 10g sump-fuge.jpg
    10g sump-fuge.jpg
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well I have a regular 29 gallon with a 29 gallon stand (I am at work so I can't tell you measurements right now I want to say 30"x12"x12" but that may not be correct I'm just not sure) I have a prism skimmer(which I hate first of many mistakes) and I have a aquaclear 50 that I use off and on I usually use this for a week or two then clean it out and wait a month then use it for a week or two and so on. I have found that if I wait too long to clean it I get high nitrates. I would like to get a sump skimmer(havent decided on a brand yet) but am looking at $150 to $250 price range for the skimmer.
I basically would like the sump to hold my skimmer and heater and have the extra volume for my tank. there is no timeline just want something that works better than what I currently have .
I wish I found this forum a year ago when I first decided to try SW there are so many things I would have done differently too late now I guess. live and learn.
Its never to late. This is your first tank so this is the learning curve. A 10 gallon sump should be fine for you. Eventually your tank now might be your sump later. Look at the octopus skimmer line those are highly recommended and are decently priced. If you are like me you are doing this on a shoe string budget. I use and adapt what I can. My nano contest tank has a old tetra tech hob filter that I made into a fuge. Seems to be working well for me. If you are going for a less cluttered look the the sump is the way to go. You can go internal or external skimmer. Project and rc can design the thing for you no problem. Oh your aqua clear filter can be on all the time just take out the media. Run it for flow if you want. Then when you are looking to polish the water put in the media after a few days take it out but use it for flow if ya want.