
Lmao! My LFS had a beautiful bright yellow one and said he kept it in his tank for 5+ yrs w/o a problem. I would think saltwater livestock would be cheaper in Australia if anything seeing as that's where the biggest reef on the entire planet is...
haha ive just heard they are not friendly to other corals and fish :P

but it is cheap here! just this guy has his numbers waaaay wrong lol
Yea that's what I've heard to from researching on the net. In fact it was more like they are impossible to keep and will inevatebly die and take down everything in your tank with it. I took pics of his with my phone that I will hopefully upload tomorrow, this thing was absolutely stunning!
wow really? i hadn't heard that about them. I'm amazed people buy them. looking forward to seeing those pics
Wow...I freak when I see a $100 coral. I saw a pair of white picasso clowns the other day for $400...WTF? Who buys this stuff?
Here it is:



Taken with my GOOGLE phone. :)
I think it's the color that makes that nem so expensive. That bright magenta coloration is extremely rare... Just like the bright blue carpet anemones. Those are some of the most expensive anemones in this hobby! But there are people willing to pay. Somewhere!
It's priced by color. Some of those Had's and the Gig's too come in some really amazing colors. And the pricing is refected in their colors. The red, bright pink, and the magenta colored ones are pretty hard to come by.