rhicordea help


Reefing newb
Hi everyone,

Just a quick question about my rhicordea frag that's new. It's been in my tank about 3 weeks. I started it out at the bottom, it seemed fine there, the internet websites said bottom placement was appropriate so i cemented it there about a week ago. Today, I noticed that the rhicordea was really opened up a lot and looked good, except: i noticed the coloring on the bottom rim of one of it's petals looked see-through and not as orange as the rest. Is this normal? Does it just look see-through because it has to stretch out more for the light and the top parts look more orange because they get more light easily.

My main concern is, is this coral loosing its color because its not getting enough light? I tried to remove it so i could move it, but that was a fail, the epoxy has got it relaly stuck where it is. It seems fine but I just want to make sure it keeps its beauitful orange coloring. What do you think?
Oh and here's a picture, notice the see-through part near the bottom?


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It may still be adapting. I have yumas at the top, middle, and bottom of my tank, in all about 45+... theyre over running my tank. I don't think you can go wring with placement. Just give it some time. :)
It looks healthy to me too. They can bleach either due to too much lighting, or too little lighting. They are pretty adaptable corals though, and will usually do well anywhere you put them.