Revitalizing Live Rock


Reefing newb
Some time back I had to give up my reef aquarium due to some health issues, I gave away or sold my fish and corals, but kept the equipment .... I also kept the live rock. Although its not live rock anymore, just rock, I'd like to bring it back to life. Currently it is stored on 5 gal buckets filled with salt water.

I've been skimming through the forums on any way that I can clean and cure the rock to bring it back to life. I'm getting a little confused if anyone wants to lay out the process I should follow I'd appreciate it.

I'm not looking to start the actual aquarium for several months still, but knew that this process will take time.
Has it been in salt water the whole time? & is there powerheads in the buckets creeating movement, & have you done water changes while storing it? If so it probably had little die off. As far as curing it, get a clean plastic garbage can or container of some sort, & a ammonia test kit. Place a heater & powerhead in it with the rock, & do complete water changes at least a coupe times a week. When you get a ammonia reading of zero it's done.
No, they've been sealed in the buckets, no power heads, no water changes etc...

Haven't even cracked open the buckets yet to see how bad it is.

Thx for the info ... I'll get started on it
I would first open up the buckets and see if you get an ammonia or nitrite reading, if not drop in some raw table shrimp to feed the bacteria. If the rocks are still live, you wont see any ammonia, or nitrite and if they arent live anymore, you will have started the process to make them live. Also no need to water changes until the ammonia and nitrite are zero.

Then just add a powerhead to keep the water moving, but i think you can skip the heater
+1 everybody...once you place the rock in the tank, you could re-seed the rocks with a piece or two of live rock from the lfs, and then give it a few weeks to cycle and become established.
Been away a few days and just getting caught back up ... Ty for all the comments

And yes, deff going to hold my nose and open them outside.
when you get the rock, you should take some close pictures of it before you start putting it in buckets. The rocks could be covered in pests, in which case you will want to have a plan of action for dealing with them before putting them back in.
I can do that, it will be a few days, still gathering up what is needed to get started before I crack open the "tombs"

But, after all this time in the dark, no oxygen and no circulation do you think anything would have lived?
Whoops, I just realized i confused this thread with another thread. I think you will be fine, the only thing that could kill you is the smell :)
Whew ... cracked open the buckets today and got lucky ... no odor :bounce:
They were in a LOT better condition then I was expecting, pretty clean actually, and as promised I took some pics.

Fresh from the bucket



Dead Rock Soup anyone? :mrgreen:


After the 1st "hot water bath"


Although I don't think they need it, I'll go ahead and give them a good scrubbing, a second hot water bath and then start the curing process.
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