return pump flow

Ah ok. I see. Looking at a pic of something makes alot more sense when I put it with everything everyone is telling me. I'll let you guys know when I am about to do it so you can take a look and help me if I run into problems. =)
What kind of stand do you have the tank on? Measure to see if a 10g will fit in there, mine didnt.

I had a glass guy make this for me, this is the sump before intall. Starting on the left is the intake side, my heater is in there and the drain from the overflow, with a sock on it. Next are the baffles, to remove air bubbles. Center is the fuge, with cheato in it now. All the way on the right is the return pump section, thats where the pump goes, which returns the water to the dt and skimmer. My skimmer is external, and recirulating, so that water gets dumped back into the filter sock, which stops the micro bubbles from the skimmer.
